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Monday, January 31, 2011

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Easing Fitness Standards Wise
More Canadians
need to get off the couch and get moving - and we need to learn to relax about it as well. Fortunately, those who promote fitness have realized the wisdom in a softer, gentler approach. The Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology is getting ready to announce new guidelines for physiial activity that will not be as strenuous as the ones we've been hearing about for years. Adults have been told they need to be active for 60 minutes a day. That will be cut to 150 minutes a week." -- end of quote.

Finally they're getting it right! Put another way, who are you going to believe? Some print-media columnist or broadcast-media commentator or a foremost heart specialist. My money -- and life -- or going with the latter. What say you?

When the heart patient told the specialist he spent too much time on his computer thus presipitating blocked arteries and subsequent heart attack, he was surprised by the doctors reply:

"You can spend all the time you want on your computer," stated the cardiologist.

"All you have to do is get your heartrate up to 120bpm for 20-minutes twice a week."

That's it? I mean -- that's it. And yes, folks, you won't need a new set of clothes to do it in. One's pyjamas should work but better to get out in the fresh air and cover some ground! Your call, captain (male or female).

Remember, it's not the walk nor fresh air which improves one's cardio condition: It's the increased heartrate which improves the heart's efficiency and keeps the blood flowing through one's arteries at an increased rate. Walking fast or uphill is the easiest way to get the heart to beat faster.

Try it. You'll (get to) like it.

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